Innetech: an innovative and efficient company in HVAC field and air treatment solutions

Home Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

Édition/publication du site :

3E solutions

13, Rue de Rémoulouarn



Tél. : 06 79 54 65 44
Fax : 02 29 00 54 40
Courriel :

Raison sociale : INNETECH
Capital social : 50.000 €
N° Siret : 520 428 301 00011
RCS : 520 428 301

Directeur de la publication :

Alexandra BERAUD

Agence de Création du Site Internet :
RCS Rennes B 444 724 462


Hébergement du site :

COGNIX SYSTEMS à partir de la plateforme OVH
RCS Roubaix-Tourcoing B 424 761 419
Siège social : 140 Quai du Sartel
59100 ROUBAIX - France



Pour en savoir plus découvrez WebGazelle, des sites Internet de qualité à budget maitrisé.



Sustainable development and energy economy.


This website uses the «WebGazelle CMS 2.0» content management solution developed by Cognix Systems, benefiting from technologies limited energy resources.


«More Web, Less Energy» program Cognix Systems has for vocation in implementing a model of sustainable development, balancing an increase of the quality of our solutions and our services, to a drop of our energy consumption.



Respect the privacy and personal data:
Data are collected for the purpose exclusive effort to establish a commercial and professional relationship with clients.
The personal data are maintained by INNETECH for a reasonable period.


If the person does not provide all the information requested on a mandatory basis in the forms on the site (required fields), it cannot validate the form and therefore cannot come into contact with INNETECH.


The right access and rectification under article 34 et seq. in accordance with the French low mentioned upper must be sed by mail to the address:

  INNETECH - 3rd solutions 13, Rue de Remoulouarn 29830 PLOUDALMÉZEAU France



Reproduction rights:
All of this site falls under the French and international legislation on the copyright and intellectual property. All rights of reproduction are reserved, including iconographic and photographic representations. The reproduction of all or a part of this site on a support is strictly prohibited, unless expressly authorized by the Director of the publication.



Photographic credits:
The photographs used in this site are subject to copyright. They may not be used or duplicated without written permission from CoforOuest.



Safety notice:
To ensure its security and to ensure its access to all, this Web site employs software to control the flow on the site, to identify unauthorized attempts to connection or change of information, or any other initiative that could cause other damage. Unauthorized attempts of loading information, information alteration, aimed to cause a damage and dune infringements generally to the availability and integrity of this site are strictly prohibited and will be punished by the penal code. Thus article 323-1 of the penal code provides that access or remain fraudulently in any part a system of automated processing of data (this is the case of a website) is punishable by two years’ imprisonment and 30000 Euros fee. Article 323-3 of the same code provides that does point fraudulently the data in an automated processing system or remove or modify fraudulently the data wich contains is punishable by five years’ imprisonment and 75000euros fee.